HANNOVER MESSE Digital Days – July 14-15 2020

July 2, 2020
The HANNOVER MESSE Digital Days launch on 14 July with a diverse, top-class program. The event begins with the panel discussion “Forward to the New ‒ New Opportunities for Progress?” featuring among others.
- – Klaus Helmrich, Member of the Managing Board of Siemens AG and CEO Digital Industries
- – Oliver Jung, Chairman of the Management Board, Festo AG
- – Prof. Dieter Kempf, President of BDI e.V.
- – Friedhelm Loh, Group Owner and Chairman, Friedhelm Loh Group
- – Rolf Najork, Managing Director, Robert Bosch GmbH
- – Thomas Saueressig, Member of the Managing Board, SAP SE
The event then continues with exciting keynotes, panel discussions, live chats, networking and innovation presentations on the latest developments in industry, energy and logistics. Further highlights include:
- – The WomenPower Congress with a keynote by Sabine Bendiek, CEO of Microsoft Germany and the announcement of Engineer Powerwoman 2020.
- – The announcement of the Hermes Award. Three companies were nominated with their outstanding solutions.
- – Partner Country Indonesia
Visit HERE for a program overview, and visit HERE to register.