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ABB Adds Variable-Speed, Multi-Motor and Additional Features to its NEMA Motors Energy Savings Calculator

January 2, 2025

ABB Adds Variable-Speed, Multi-Motor and Additional Features to its NEMA Motors Energy Savings Calculator

In response to customer feedback, to add additional features and outputs and to provide a more user-friendly experience, ABB has developed and released phase 2 of its NEMA motors Energy Savings Calculator. The online tool was launched earlier this year to help motor operators better understand the performance, financial and environmental benefits of upgrading current and end-of-life industrial electric motors to more energy-efficient designs.

Key updates to phase 2:

  • Variable speed calculator and graph
  • Multiple motor capabilities
  • Torque percentage (partial load data section)
  • Table select (enforced product selection)
  • Yearly operating cost estimates
  • ROI estimates for 1 to 20 years
  • Constant load vs partial load in bar graphs
  • Ability to fix results in negative cost savings
  • Bi-directional search for nameplate and material numbers
  • English, French and Spanish language support
  • and more

The Energy Savings Calculator is an online tool that allows users to compare the electrical energy usage, costs and CO2 production of a motor currently in operation with that of a new, highly efficient ABB motor. The tool allows users to search existing ABB Baldor-Reliance motors by catalog number or enter fields for motor parameters such as horsepower, efficiency class, speed and enclosure type to allow for comparisons with an existing ABB motor.

Annual savings in kilowatt-hours, energy percentages and U.S. dollars are provided, as well as energy consumption comparisons between the new and existing motor and annual CO2 reduction. A digital report with data and graphics can be exported. Phase 3 of the Energy Efficiency Calculator, scheduled to launch later in 2025, will add a generic search for different motor configurations, additional input capabilities and highly customizable reporting functions.

“As a global leader in motors and drives, we focus on enhancing productivity in a low-carbon world,” said Ben Hinds, Vice President of Product Marketing and Management for ABB’s NEMA Motors Division. “We continually develop tools and technologies, such as the Energy Savings Calculator, that improve energy efficiency, decarbonization and circularity, and we ensure that our customers benefit from our solutions while contributing to a more environmentally responsible future.”

ABB is at the core of accelerating a more productive and sustainable future. Energy efficiency is not an if, it’s a must. It is an immediately achievable goal we need to bridge our path to a future where all energy is clean energy. We stand for productivity in a low-carbon world, so we innovate and push the boundaries of technology to contribute to energy-efficient solutions for customers, industries and societies. Our energy efficiency solutions help our customers make better investments decisions for the planet and their pocket.


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Discover NEMA Motor Upgrade Potential with ABB’s Energy Savings Calculator

Forty-five percent of the world’s electricity is used to power electric motors in buildings and industrial applications.1 By 2030, this cost is projected to reach $900 billion annually.2 Lowering CO₂ emissions and increasing energy efficiency is critical for our planet, but also for ensuring stable and productive industry operations, lowering operating costs and total costs of ownership. To help motor operators better understand the financial and environmental benefits of upgrading current and end-of-life industrial electric motors, ABB has developed its NEMA motors Energy Savings Calculator.

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