Got to Have a WAGO” – 50 Years of Splicing Connector
April 23, 2024
Small product, big impact: Five decades ago, the company revolutionized connection technology in electrical installation with the splicing connector. The phrase “Got to have a WAGO” has been firmly anchored in the vocabulary of every professional electrician since its launch in 1974.
Even today, “WAGO” stands for speed, safety and maintenance-free operation – and enthuses millions of electricians about their daily challenges. To celebrate the 50th anniversary, we really let it crash and celebrate the legend with a birthday anthem!
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Green Range 221 Series Splicing Connector from WAGO

Nothing is too small to make a positive impact on our environment. Therefore, the comany has reimagined one of their best-known products – the 221 Series Splicing Connector. A variant made of partially bio-circular and recycled plastics has been created to keep existing resources in circulation. The connector thus lays a more sustainable footprint right at the start of the installation. The new connector from the Green Range family is a first step towards sustainable development since every big change begins with a first small step.