WEG: MVW 01 Compact Medium Voltage VFD

October 6, 2020
The MVW01 is designed to control medium voltage induction motors. It features unique innovations, combining hardware robustness with simplicity, reliability and safety in a compact solution with few components and state-of-the-art generation technology. MVW01 follows the same programming philosophy of the WEG low voltage inverter line, simplifying its application. It has a multilevel topology with high-voltage IGBTs (3.3 or 6.5 kV) and optimal switching reducing the motor harmonic currents to extremely low levels.
By reducing the number of components in the drive WEG has made the MVW-01 more efficient and reliables. The multipulse diode configuration of the input rectifier gives a high power factor in the power supply meeting IEEE 519 requirements. In the control stage, it has a multiprocessing architecture using 32-bit processors (64-bit bus) with floating point capability and high performance, ensuring high efficiency in motor control.
Standard Features:
- – Motor voltage: 2.3 kV, 3.3 kV, 4.16 kV or up to 6.0 kV – 6.9 kV
- – Power ratings up to 8,000 hp (6,000 kW)
- – 18-pulse diode input rectifier standard (12 pulse is also available)
- – Reduced number of components, which results in high efficiency and reliability
- – Assembled in IP41/NEMA1 panel
- – Multilevel power topology: Neutral Point Clamped (NPC)
- – 3/5 level up to 4160 V
- – 5/9 level above 6000 V
- – Power and control sections isolated by fiber optic cable or optics
- – Network communication
- – Dry-type plastic film power capacitors of high reliability and long useful life
- – Voltage Source Inverter (VSI)
- – Air-cooled
- – High efficiency (> 99%)
- – High power factor (> 95%)
- – Low noise level (< 75 dBa)
- – Low heat dissipation